Who Am I?

My name is Sanjay, and my life's odyssey has been a rich tapestry woven across continents and cultures. Born to Indian parents residing in the vibrant city of Nairobi, Kenya, my quest for knowledge and adventure propelled me to the bustling streets of London, England, at the tender age of 18. Here, I embarked on a journey of higher education, culminating in a degree in Business, setting the stage for the adventures to come.

My pursuit of knowledge and desire to broaden my horizons led me to the picturesque landscapes of Switzerland, where I further honed my skills and earned a degree in Hotel Management. The United States beckoned, and I found refuge with my sister in Denver, Colorado, before eventually settling in Boston, Massachusetts. It was in this historic city that I initiated a remarkable 25-year chapter as a self-employed entrepreneur, a time marked by professional growth and personal fulfillment. This journey brought me to South Florida where I owned several successful retail stores, before opening my last Boutique in Asheville, NC where I continue to live to this day.

However, life has a way of steering us onto unexpected paths. One fateful day, my world took me to a place I had always known would come: my kidneys were failing. The stark reality soon dawned upon me, necessitating significant adjustments to manage my debilitating condition. My days now revolve around demanding and time-consuming dialysis treatments, leaving me drained and weakened. The dialysis clinic has become a frequent destination, a far cry from the active, energetic life I once cherished. Initially, it felt as if life had come to an abrupt halt. I grieved the loss of my former self, the person who exuded boundless energy and embraced life's adventures. But with time, a profound realization emerged - I didn't have to relinquish my passions entirely. Though travel may no longer be feasible, I found solace in the simple wonders of nature – the vibrant colors of flowers, the majestic presence of trees. I embarked on new creative journeys, exploring various forms of art, from the strokes of a paintbrush to the world of written words. Amidst the challenges, I discovered solace in connecting with fellow travelers navigating life's tumultuous seas.

I've come to understand that a measure of loneliness has become an inseparable part of my existence, challenging me to convey the depths of my emotions and solitary thoughts to others. In this journey, my two beloved canine companions have been steadfast companions, their joyful presence offering solace during the nightly ritual of 14 hours of dialysis. Through it all, I continue to smile, unwavering in my hope and patience, awaiting the life-altering gift of a kidney from a benevolent soul.

My journey is a testament to the enduring spirit of the human soul. As you read my story, I invite you to join me in this chapter of my life, to share in its nuances and complexities, and to consider becoming the beacon of hope I desperately seek.

My Interests:

Many years ago, I embarked on a journey to Asheville with a dream in my heart – to open my very first retail store in the enchanting landscape of Western North Carolina. It was about 15 years ago when I packed my trusty Honda Civic to the brim, accompanied by the lively company of three Corgis and two cats . As I bid farewell to my cherished home of over a decade near the sun-kissed beaches of Florida's Gold Coast, tears welled in my eyes, a poignant goodbye to the chapter I was leaving behind. The transition to Asheville was nothing short of a culture shock. Gone were the days of the beach side allure; instead, a new tapestry of experiences awaited me. Throughout these adventures and still to this very day, it was my Art that brought calm to my soul . I am and always will be an artist who enjoys painting in every imaginable medium. My style is diverse, colorful and abstract just like my Life !

My Diagnosis:

For over thirty years, I have been battling a relentless disease, and now, at 61 years old, I find myself in a critical situation. I am in desperate need of a kidney transplant to continue cherishing the gift of life.
Despite the hardships, I've tried to remain strong, finding solace in the beauty around me and the positivity that surrounds me.

For the past few years, I have been living tethered to a dialysis machine for countless hours, and it's been an incredibly challenging journey. The dream of a life free from this machine, a life where I can relish in the simple joys, keeps me going.

How A Kidney Transplant Will Affect My Life:

The dream of a life free from this machine, a life where I can relish in the simple joys, keeps me going. However, I cannot do this alone. Unfortunately, my family isn't able to provide the kidney I need, and that's why I am turning to you, my extended family, friends, and kind-hearted souls in good health. I humbly ask for your consideration to become a living kidney donor, a choice that could profoundly impact my life. Your act of kindness could be the miracle that changes my story. Your compassion and generosity could give me a second chance at life, a chance to continue cherishing the beauty life has to offer.

My Blood Type: O

Sanjay is asking for your help, as he urgently needs a kidney!

It takes an extraordinarily special person to save another person’s life!

Please consider being Sanjay’s kidney donor, and give him the Gift of Life!

Please share Sanjay’s story & information with all of your friends and family, and ask them to share it as well.

Listed at:

Atrium Health Transplant Center, Charlotte, NC

To Inquire About Living Kidney Donation for Sanjay, Call:

Call Coordinator, Yvonne Ellerbe 704-355-3602

Please email Coordinator: Yvonne.Ellerbe@AtriumHealth.org

All costs throughout the transplant process would be covered by Sanjay’s medical insurance.

Sanjay Sood Age: 61


Harold Scott


Rukhmin Sukhai