Who Am I?

My name is Prince pela, career is Nursing. I currently have my LVN and have pushed myself despite my kidney failure to pursue my RN. I bake and love cooking for my family and community events. My values are integrity, compassion, and love. I love to read everything; hence, I go to Google for my friends/community. I embrace hope and courage, and this makes me strong to not give up.

My Interests:

I enjoy cooking, and making different home pizzas. My favorite is the basil, tomotoes, and mozzarella pizza. I also enjoy volunteering with various food banks and attending health based fairs.

My Diagnosis:

I have polycystic kidney disease. This was inherited from my lovely mother of blessed memory. I knew a time would come when my kidneys would fail, because I had older siblings who were on dialysis also.

How A Kidney Transplant Will Affect My Life:

A kidney transplant will give me a second chance at life. I am normally a happy, vibrant individual. I will be able to complete my nursing school program to become a dialysis Nurse. I want to promote and assist patients. My passion is to use my position to give them hope, and advocate quality care for them. I mentioned I love cooking. Aside from nursing, I attended culinary classes at a local community college but could not finish the final few classes because I could not tolerate the heat in the kitchen, due to my kidney failure. I also want to be a strong, healthy father to my kids, and a loving hubby to my wife.

My Blood Type: B

Prince is asking for your help, as he urgently needs a kidney!

It takes an extraordinarily special person to save another person’s life!

Please consider being Prince’s kidney donor, and give him the Gift of Life!

Please share Prince’s story & information with all of your friends and family, and ask them to share it as well.

Listed at:

UC Davis Transplant Center, Sacramento, Ca

To Inquire About Living Kidney Donation for Prince, Contact:

Call the transplant center at: 916-734-8832

Call Prince & his wife directly at: 916-470-9821 & 916-470-9135

Email: igho.pela@gmail.com

All costs throughout the transplant process would be covered by Prince’s medical insurance.

Prince Pela Age: 53


Ellen Parisan


John Pikart