Who Am I?
I am a Father of three amazing kids, married for over two decades. Currently I am on dialysis seven days a week, for 12 hours each session. I have been on dialysis for three years.
My Interests:
I enjoy fishing, nature, skiing, photography, cooking, walking, and driving.
My Diagnosis:
I have Polycystic kidney disease, inherited from my beloved mom.
How A Kidney Transplant Will Affect My Life:
I will have a new life. The donor will become my fourh child.
My Blood Type: A
Avram is asking for your help, as he urgently needs a kidney!
It takes an extraordinarily special person to save another person’s life!
Please consider being Avram’s kidney donor, and give him the Gift of Life!
Please share Avram’s story & information with all of your friends and family, and ask them to share it as well.
Currently listed at:
St. Baranbas, Livingston, NJ
To Inquire About Living Kidney Donation for Avram, Contact:
Transplant Center: 609-226-8334
All costs throughout the transplant process would be covered by Avram’s medical insurance.